
New PC MigrationStick from Tranxition

There are a lot of situations where data migration is required. Imagine a situation where the system has been upgraded or the company has got into the merger. In such situations, data migration is the only option to retain important data. When it comes to data migration, Tranxition is one of the best platforms to perform this job efficiently. They deliver software which has the capability to capture Windows profile information, user settings and files, and application settings. Their amazing products have been featured in the eminent publications such as Forbes PC magazine and Microsoft Certified Professional. On account of flawless user profile migrations, Tranxition is the popular choice of many organizations.


To accomplish the data migration tasks effectively, Tranxition offers following products:

Migration Manager

To simplify the process of data migration, Tranxition has launched the quickest and most intelligent product named as Migration Manager. Tranxition Migration Manager has a reputation of high speed, reliability, and easy configurability. As per customer’s review, instead of one hour and forty minutes, 10GB personas get migrated in just 29 minutes. It intelligently captures the settings and files of the Windows users. This product offers migration of user-profiles, upgradation of MS Office during migration, handling of domain change scenarios and every scenario of Outlook PST.

PC MigrationStick

To meet the growing needs of compactness and to catch up with the growing popularity of USB sticks, Tranxitionintroduced PC MigrationStick. It does the same job as that of Migration Manager but in much less time. With the MigrationStick, the client can put much less burden on the WAN and LAN by taking more control over PC OEM purchasers, IT service personnel and MSP clients. It can easily be configured with 64GB of storage.

Once an application is installed, it will copy the major application’s settings. However, if due to any reason, it won’t be able to do so, then it will capture and inject major documents of the user. Generally, the migration process will take just 20 minutes, but it may take longer depending on the data volume. It must be noted that this product is designed exclusively for the MSP and IT usage and is thus cannot be called as a consumer product.


Following are the top-notch services provided by Tranxition products:

Migrate Users to Windows 10

With Tranxition Migration Manager, the user can easily migrate its data to the Windows 10. Tranxition migration manager is capable of capturing user personalization, recently used documents, macros, shortcuts, and many account settings. Furthermore, they offer this Migration Manager for free and for extended features, the user will have to pay a very nominal amount. In addition to this, the embeddedness of Persona management makes the migration process as simple as plug and play, i.e. the user will just need to plug it into the new PC and migration will commence instantly.

Virtual Desktops

Tranxition offers migration services for virtual desktops too. For this to happen, there is a condition that requires Windows instances to be functional. Tests have been made on Microsoft HyperV, Microsoft RDS, Oracle Virtualbox, and VMware and no problem was reported.

Domain Changes

In the case of restructuring of the domain network, Tranxition offers numerous services such as assistance in changing desktops to the domain of the active workgroup or changing them to another directory. Furthermore, Tranxition also offers recovery services from the damaged directory setup.

Mergers, Consolidation, and Acquisition

In the case of mergers, consolidations, and acquisitions of the business, Tranxition offers services such as taking users to the new domain, changing name conventions, adjustment of file storage policies at par with new company policies and re-imaging of new systems.

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